Weapon Stats for the Dawn Lands
For weapons we take our inspiration from some of the early versions of D&D. Weapons choice is seen as an ability and players are restricted to only using the weapons that are allowed by their class (for now). The ability to use a lot of different weapons or a powerful weapon that can deal a lot of damage is treated as a special ability. This is done in the hopes of achieving balance.
One handed Vs. Two handed
A weapon is one handed when it is either two short to wield with two hands or is short enough that during normal use the wield has the off hand free. A Two handed weapon doesn’t always require the use of two hands. For example, if you have a two handed long spear but during one of your strikes you only use one hand, that is fine. But normally mostly you would need to use two hands or keep the other hand free. So, in these cases you cannot use a two handed weapon with an offhand item such as a shield or spear or dagger etc. The exception to this is if you grab a two handed weapon with one hand but don't use it for attack then you may wield a weapon in the other hand.
1 handed
1 Damage
Length: 1 foot or less in length (with some exceptions)
*Can be used with the backstab ability.
*can be thrown
Used By: All except noble and Battle Cleric (Reman battle clerics are the exception to this)
1 handed
1 damage
Length: roughly 8 to 16 inches
*Piercing (ignores armor)
*can be used with the backstab ability
Max Length: 1 foot or less in length (with some exceptions)
Used by: All except non Reman Battle Cleric
1 handed
2 Damage
Length: up to 3 foot
*Basic weapon.
*Can be used by any character.
*Any boffer style weapon that does not have cutting or striking surfaces/edges indicated will be considered a One Handed Club
2 handed
2 Damage
Length: 3 foot to 5 foot
*Basic weapon.
*Can be used by any character.
*Any boffer style weapon that does not have cutting or striking surfaces/edges indicated will be considered a One Handed Club
Short Sword
1 handed
2 Damage
Length: 1 ft to 2.5 ft in length
*May be used two handed by Fae
*May be used with the backstab ability
Used By: Archer, Cavalier, Commander, Crossbowman, Hoplite, Man At Arms, Noble, Ranger, Rogue, Peasant Heros, Hexenkreiger, Pirate, Raider, Swordsman, Soldier, Paladin, Spear Fighter, and YouXia
1 handed
4 or 2 Damage
Length: 24 to 33 inches
*4 Damage with stabs
*2 Damage with slashes
Used by: Reman Players
Axe, One Handed
1 handed
3 Damage
*Can be used to hook and pull shields
Length:1.5 to 4 (ish) foot in length
Used by: Archer, Barbarian, Hexenkrieger, Raider, Ranger, Druid, Archer, Soldier, YouXia, Pirate, Peasant, Hero, Norse
Info: This is different from a throwing axe, those are smaller.
Mace, One Handed
1 handed
2 Damage
*May be attached to a lanyard
Length: 1-3 foot in length
Used by: Spear Fighter, Cavalier, Crossbowman, Hexenkrieger, Paladin, Samurai, Man at Arms, Soldier, Battle Cleric
Info: Small maces, one handed maces, etc., are usually made from metal or at leave have a metal head. Only the head counts as the striking surface. Those who are skilled with this weapon often use it as a backup weapon for close combat.
Hammer, One Handed
1 handed
3 Damage
*Can be thrown for 2 damage by dwarves
*May be attached to a lanyard
Length: 1-3 foot
Used By: Battle Clerics, Dwarves, Smiths, Paladin, Man At Arms, peasant hero,
1 hand or two hand
2 Damage
Max Length 7 feet
Used by: Battle Monk, Mage, Druid, Necromancer, Emerald Folk
Spear, One handed
1 handed
2 Damage
Max Length 6.5 feet
*cannot be thrown
Used by: Battle Monk, Commander, Spear Fighter, Soldier, Hoplite, HexenkriegerCavalier, Commanche, Youxia, Possi, bly 2nd level Noble, Peasant Hero, Norse
1 handed
1 Damage
*can be used to hook and pull shields and weapons.
Max Length: 1 to 2 foot
Used by: Druids, Peasant Hero, Youxia
Long Sword
1 handed
3 Damage
Length: 2.5 to 4 foot
Used by: Elves, Cavalier, Commander, Hexen Krieger, Man At Arms, Paladin, Noble, 8th level peasant hero, Ranger, Rogue, Swordsman, and YouXia
Pitch Fork
1 or 2 handed
2 Damage
length 5 to 6 feet
*Can grapple weapons
*can be used 1 or 2 handed
Used by: Peasant Hero and Hexenkrieger
1 Handed
2 Damage
*Piercing: Ignores Armor
*Can be used to backstab by Rogues and Dark Elves
Length: 3 to 4 foot
Used by: Cavaliers, Noble, Pirate, Rogue, and Swordsman
1 handed
2 Damage on foot
*4 damage if “mounted”
*Is piercing for a pirate
Length: 3 to 4 foot
Used By: Cavalier, Soldier, Pirate
Jade Broadsword
1 or 2 handed
1 or 3 or 4 Damage
*1 damage stabs
*3 damage slashes
*Can be used 2 handed for 4 damage slashing
Length: 3 to 4 foot
Used By: YouXia
Hand and a Half Sword
Hand and a Half Sword
1 or 2 handed
1 handed is 2 damage
2 handed is 4 damage
Length: 3 to 4.5 ish foot
Used By: Commander,Barbarian, Hexen Krieger, Paladin, Ranger, Samurai (at 4th), swordsman, smith
Throwing Star
1 handed
No damage
Length: around 5 inches
*reduces targets APR by 1 point per hit until end of encounter or duel
Used By: Battle Monks
Throwing Axe
1 handed
2 Damage
*Can be thrown 1 handed
Used by: Raider, Ranger, Goblins, Peasant Hero
Max Length: 8 inches to 1.5 feet
1 handed
2 Damage
*thrown weapon
*Cannot be used as a melee weapon
*Piercing: Ignores Armor
Used By: Goblin, Greek, Reman, Hoplite
1 handed
2 Damage
*Can use the backstab ability with this weapon
*Ammo must be labeled showing the owner
Used by: Tiss, Rogues
( handed
3 Damage
*Nerf bow and arrows are acceptable (for now)
Used by: Crossbowman, Soldier, possibly 2nd level Noble.
Bow and Arrow
2 handed
2 Damage
Used by: Archer, Peasant Hero, Ranger, Samurai
Great Sword
2 handed
4 Damage
*Can “half sword”
*can grapple with the Great Sword if you are wearing gloves
Length: 4 to 6 foot
Used by: Barbarian,Swordsman, 2nd Level Peasant Hero, Emerald Folk
Hammer, Two handed
2 handed
4 Damage
* can be used to hook weapons or shields
Length: 3 to 5 foot in length
Used by: Barbarian, Smiths, Dwarves, Man at Arms, peasant hero, soldier
Axe, Two Handed
2 handed
4 Damage
Length 3 to 5 feet
Used by: Orc, Barbarian, Peasant Hero, and Dwarven warrior classes
Pole Axe
2 handed
3 Damage
Length: 5 to 7 foot
Used By: Dawn Landers, Battle Monk, Man at Arms, Soldier
2 handed
3 Damage
Length 5 to 7.5 feet
*can have a spike or smaller blade on the secondary end OR can have some other secondary point of attack, like a hook.
Used By: Dawn Lander, Red Sun Empire, Druid, Samurai, YouXia, Battle Monk, and Soldier.
Pole Hammer
2 handed
3 Damage
Length 5.5 to 7.5 feet
*Can hook weapons or shields
Used By: Soldier and Battle Monk
Two Handed Spear
(long Spear)
2 handed
2 Damage
Length 7 to 9 feet
Used By: Dawn Lander, Battle Monk, Spear Fighter, Samurai, Soldier, YouXia
1 or 2 handed
4 Damage
*Can only be used by Samurai
* Same damage slashing as stabbing
Used By: Samurai